10 största misstagen i New Moon
Right before Jacob comes through Bella’s window, it shows her sleeping and ”dreaming” of Victoria coming to get her. If you look, the camera really focuses on the dreamcatcher and how it’s hanging above her on the bedpost. It is hanging off to the side of the middle hump. Immediately, Jacob comes through her window and focuses in on the dreamcatcher hanging on the bedpost which is now neatly hanging in a completely different way, perfectly laid over the center of the bedpost.
When Bella is at the cafeteria table with Mike, and he is asking her to a movie, her hair keeps moving from behind her ear to hanging in front, and back again.
When Alice jumps over the staircase in school to wish Bella happy birthday, between shots during the scene the positioning of the decorated scarf around her neck varies.
After Bella awakes from the first nightmare, we see her Romeo and Juliet book on the pillow beside her. When Charlie brings in her presents the book is gone, but then reappears on the pillow between shots.
In the scene where Bella is in the meadow talking to Laurent, Bella’s hair is at first straight and then in the next scene it is wispy and pushed back and then it is straight again.
Bella goes to Italy to save Edward. Alice drops Bella off – when Bella gets out of the car to ask where Edward will be, first you see Bella in front of the car door, then she is suddenly behind the car door.
When Jacob first shows off his tattoo, it is up at the top of his shoulder. Then when he is in the forest at the end with Bella and Edward, his tattoo is about 2 inches further down his arm.
In the scene where Jacob is talking to Bella on the beach about Victoria, his shirt starts off as a dark gray colour, then it changes to a brown colour. It does this a few times during the scene.
When Bella and Edward enter the chamber with the Volturi, they change which sides they are holding hands on. This also happens when they leave, except it goes from arm on waist to hand holding.
When Alice is driving Bella to the Volturi, she is wearing a headscarf and sunglasses. During the scene the way the headscarf is tied changes; the size and shape of the knot (and the colours on the knot) are different.
Förlängda scener från New Moon
5 förlängda scener från New Moon har kommit ut! Någon mer som längtar ihjäl?
Behind the scenes The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Nu när det bara är 4 dagar kvar tills New Moon kommer ut på DVD så börjar det läcka ut mer på internet. Och nu har det även kommit ut fler ''Behind the scenes.'' Kolla nedan.
Kolla på New Moon online!
Tänkte bara tipsa om en sida för er som vill se New Moon i bra kvalité på internet. Nu när det bara är 4 dagar kvar tills att DVD:n kommer ut ;)
Här kan ni gå in för att se den!
Menyn till New Moon DVD:n
Såhär kommer alltså menyn till New Moon DVD:n att se ut. Vad tycker ni?
Bättre/sämre än Twilight? :)
5 New Moon hemlisar
Chris Weitz har avslöjat 5 nya hemlisar från New Moon.
Så om ni vill veta vilka kan ni läsa nedan. =)
Going for the Gold: In ”Twilight,” RPattz and the rest of his vegetarian vampire cohorts have gold-colored eyes as a result of abstaining from consuming human blood. For ”New Moon,” the vamps’ eyes were clearly more golden. Why’d Weitz have his actors switch to brighter contact lenses?
”It’s a more noticeable gold,” Weitz said. ”I thought that in the first film they hadn’t popped quite enough and I wanted to have that sense of otherworldliness carry through more.”
The Silent Vampire: Actress Rachelle Lefevre was notoriously replaced in her role as the vampire Victoria following ”New Moon,” with Bryce Dallas Howard taking over the part for ”Eclipse.” In ”New Moon,” Lefevre is seen but does not speak. Is there a connection between her lack of lines and what happened with the casting decision?
”It wasn’t so much that,” Weitz said. ”There was a dialogue scene with her, and eventually that will show up whenever they release deleted scenes. It was one of those scenes that, when you look back at it, it’s kind of a surplus to the whole storytelling requirement of the movie. So there was no ill intent there. I wrote Rachelle and explained why that scene didn’t end up in the film, and in terms of filmmaking I can’t regret it, although I do regret it very much if it hurt Rachelle’s feelings.”
Why So Torn Up, Edward?:At one point in the film, Pattinson’s Edward Cullen appears in a ripped T-shirt, but we never learn why. So … what the heck happened?
”What it’s supposed to be is that he’s essentially been wearing the same clothes for several months, and that eventually they’ve just worn out because, as you I’m sure know, his body is like stone. So he must’ve rubbed up against something and it ripped,” Weitz said.
Our Lord?:In its Italian-set portions, ”New Moon” features a significant amount of religious iconography, and Edward certainly suffers a great deal. Is he supposed to be a Christ figure?
”I think that he is in a sense he’s doomed to suffer eternally,” Weitz said. ”He actually thinks of himself as a damned figure, but he’s wrong about that. So in some senses, yeah, he is a martyr figure.”
Black Eyes: In Stephenie Meyer’s book, Edward’s eyes go black in Italy. Why don’t his eyes turn in the film?
”It’s because I screwed up!” Weitz admitted.
Really? He just forgot?
”Well, yeah, I kinda did,” he said. ”Well, there are two reasons. One is that I messed up. The other reason is that I actually thought that onscreen it would be quite bizarre to see his eyes go completely black, and that it would be more satisfying and less jarring to have that moment of reunion be a reunion with revivified Edward. But probably, the long and the short of it, there are many details that I did not drop the ball on, and there are some that I did.”
Via twilightsaga.se
Smygtitt på Deleted Scenes!
Yes! Det har kommit ut en smygtitt på Deleted/Exedented scenes från New Moon! :D
Gå in här för att se det!
Smygtitt i ''Bellas Box''
Nya ''smygtittar'' från Bellas Box till New Moon DVD:n har kommit ut.
Någon som har förhandsbokat boxarna? :)
Om ni inte har det så finns det att boka på CDON och Discshop, men på Discshop är alla just nu bokade. Men det finns att boka på CDON.
Ny framsida till New Moon DVD:n disc 2
Det har kommit ut en ny framsida till ''New Moon DVD:n disc 2 - special edition''.
Och nu har även baksidan kommit ut! :D
Och vad säger ni om att det står: Exlusivt klipp från Eclipse? Snacka om att jag längtar tills den kommer ut på DVD!
Edward och Jacob halsband
S-snygga! Men såklart blir det ett Edward halsband för mig :P
Vilket halsband skulle ni välja? Och vilket team är ni?
New Moon trading cards
Tre nya "samlarkort", visst är dom snygga? :D
New Moon DVD: Bellas box!
En box för New Moon DVD:n med massor extra och deleted scenes!
Om den går att få tag på ska jag absolut ha den!
Boxen innhåller:
Disc 1: The feature film + commentary
Disc 2: Total selected added value (128 min):
- 6-part Documentary: (65 min) Life After Twilight. Chris Weitz Takes the Helm, The Subtle Details, Time to Shine, Tricks of the Trade, Ready for the World
- Music Videos: (12 min)Death Cab for Cutie -Meet Me On the Equinox, Anya Marina -Satellite Heart, Muse -B&W rehearsal footage of Belong To You, Mute Math -Spotlight (from Twilight Soundtrack)
Team Jacob and Team Edward
- Becoming Jacob(6 min)
- Introducing the Wolf Pack (9 min)
- Shooting in Italy (7 min)
- Extended Scenes: (29 min)
Shool Corridor Extended (1:20)
English Class Extended (1:26)
Carlisle Stitches Bella Extended (2:54)
Scrap Metal Extended (3:00)
Start of Cinema Lobby Extended (1:27)
Phoning Jake Extended (1:00)
Meeting Laurent Extended (4:54)
Jake in Bella’s Room Extended (5:00)
Outside Emily’s Extended (1:28)
Leaving for Italy Extended (:27)
Edward Meets Volturi Extended (2:38)
Home from Italy Extended (2:34)
I See you’re Still Alive Extended (:41)
Disc 3:
The remaining added value (122 min):
Deleted Scenes: (15 min)
Bella’s Birthday Cake (:21)
Driving Home From Party (1:00)
Waking in the Woods (2:34)
Charlie Puts Bella in Bed (1:15)
Bike Crash (1:05)
Bella’s Nightmare and Chat w/ Charlie (4:12)
Remembering the Meadow (2:04)
Mike is Left at Cinema (:58)
I’m Here If You Want to Talk (:51)
Victoria Driving (1:38)
Jake Drives Bella Home (5:05)
Edward Fast Forward (30 min)
Jacob Fast Forward (33 min)
Interview with the Volturi (12 min)
Fandimonium (7 min)
The Beat Goes On: The Music of New Moon (5 min)
Frame by Frame: Storyboards to Screen (15-20 min)
Källa: Twilightmovie
Japanska New Moon DVD:n
Tror att jag åker till Japan och köper min New Moon DVD? :D
Källa: TTS
20:e mars!
20 mars släpps New Moon DVD:n i USA! Hoppas det blir samma datum här i Sverige! :D
Amerikanska New Moon DVD omslaget!
Såhär ser det Amerikanske omslaget till New Moon ut! Riktigt bra är den! :)
Hur tror ni den svenska kommer att se ut?
''Ny'' New Moon bild
''Ny'' New Moon bild på Bella, Edward och Jacob fast utan text, bara lite nere i högra hörnet.
Och jag älskar bilden, den är så fin på något sätt! :)
The Twivatar Saga: Blue Moon
Haha kolla, nu har dom gjort New Moon postern i Avatar format! ;D
Haha, den är lite rolig faktiskt!
Dessutom blev det inget Avatar idag, men jag vill så gärna se den! Kanske att jag ska se den på måndag.
Ny Tribute bild på Edward, Bella och Jacob
Hillywood show: New Moon Parody
Äntligen har The Hillywood Show kommit ut med deras New Moon parodi!
Check it out! ;)
De har även filmat i riktiga Forks och La Push!
New Moon tuggummin
Hallå Sverige, kom igen nu! Varför är Sverige det enda landet på jordklotet som inte har några ''twistuffs''?
Åh, det är så typiskt :P