Promo bilder på Jasper och Caius
Nya New Moon promo bilder på Jasper och Caius!
Caius ser verkligen grym ut på nåt sett, (alltså grym/dum).
Och Jasper ser faktiskt bra ut! Eller hur? :D
Ny promo bild på Edward
En ny promo bild på Edward från New Moon har kommit ut, Bellas ansikte syns lite grann oxå.
Bortklippt scen + stillbild
En ny borttagen scenbild från New Moon!
Och jag som har bokat New Moon filmen på cdon, så när den kommer ut kommer den till min postlåda! :)
This scene does not appear in the movie. I suppose for the moment when Edward brings Bella to his house, Alice holds his backpack orange. Edward has the same clothes as in Bellas bedroom scene, after consulting the rest of the Cullens and the final scene with Jacob … what they say, recognize it?
Hur vargarna skapades har skrivit en artikel + massor bilder om hur de gick tillvägas när de skapa vargarna!
För att läsa allt kan du gå in här.
Källa: Twilightsweden
New Moon parodi
Haha, den var faktiskt lite rolig ;D
Promobilder på Esme och Alec
Nya promobilder på Esme och Alec! =)
Föressten igårkväll på trean klockan 21.30 visa dom en film som heter Välkommen till familjen!
Jag såg den och den var as bra och rolig och dessutom så var Elizabeth Reaser med i filmen, någon som såg den? :D
More New Moon secrets!
Chris Weitz har avslöjat ännu mer New Moon secrets!
Här kommer dom :D
6. Tower of glower
''You can see Volterra's tower and the red-cloaked revelers from the festival of San Marco on the cover of Bella's copy of Romeo and Juliet when she wakes up in her bedroom.''
7. Hope it was a rental...
''In the wolf-fight, we purposely knocked over the camera when the wolves tumble towards it; you can also hear the microphone thumping, as if an actual on-set animal had run into the camera and boom.''
8. Quileute culture
''When prepping to visualize Jacobs and Emily's houses, production designer David Brisbin and his team visited La Push and met the Quileute executive council. While they were there, a young Quileute girl gave David the first drum she made (this is a Quileute custom). To show appreciation, we decided to put the drum in a prominent shot — it's at the entrance of Emily's house, and you see it when Bella first enters. Also, the high pitched 'call' that Embry and Jared give when they jump out of Bella's car is a thing the Quileute kids do.''
9. Waxing romantic
''The reason the moon phases 'backwards' to reveal the title is that this is scientifically correct! I moderated an astrophysics seminar for the Science and Entertainment Exchange with noted astronomer Neil DeGrasse Tyson and he complained about the number of films that get simple science wrong. (Don't ask me to justify vampires or werewolves).''
10. That's Italian!
''In the Volturi chamber, Aro speaks Italian — 'La Tua Cantante' should be easy for readers of the books — he's referring to Bella's being Edward's 'singer,' whose blood calls out to him stronger than anyone else's. Later, when Bella tells him that he doesn't know anything about Edward's soul, he replies, 'Fore ... ne il vostro l'uno o altro' — 'Perhaps ... nor yours either.'''
Källa: Twilightobsession
Sugen på choklad?
Är du kanske sugen på lite New Moon choklad till jul? :D
Jag skulle iaf inte ha något emot den.. hehe.
Alltså jag hatar rent ut sagt att massor coola ''twisaker'' kommer till Sverige!
Jag vill med ha sån där choklad och ja... ååh!
Vilken choklad skulle du vilja ha? Edwards choklad ''caramel'' tycker jag verkar godast iaf :D
Bella's mail to Alice
Här kommer tre stills på mailen som Bella skicka till Alice när hon och Edward lämnat henne..
Det gör ont när man läser dom...
Chris Weitz berättar 5 saker om New Moon
Chris Weitz har avslöjat 5 saker om New Moon.
Någon som märkte det när ni såg New Moon? Det gjorde inte jag iaf. ;)
1. Hidden wolves
”Look for an upside-down engraving of a wolf in the shot of the bowl in which Carlisle burns his first-aid equipment; on Jacob’s T-shirt when he meets Bella in the school parking lot for the first time; and a wolf trinket on the dream-catcher that he gives her.”
2. Vampire elevator music
”When Edward, Bella, and Alice get into the elevator on their way to see the Volturi, the music playing in the elevator is from Strauss’ Die Fledermaus (a.k.a. The Bat).”
3. Emotional baggage?
”When Bella is looking for the meadow where she and Edward are seen lying down together, she carries a golden compass clipped to her backpack — part of my baggage!”
4. Speedy suitor
”We did a little trick when Edward gets out of Bella’s truck and they’re arguing. We wanted to show Edward moving impossibly quickly, so we put Rob right next to the camera but out of sight, and used a double dressed like Rob in the driver’s seat. When Edward gets out, it’s the double, and then Rob steps in front of the camera, and it looks as if he got there faster than humanly possible.”
5. Look it up
”And last but not least: If you want to know what Jacob says before he almost kisses Bella, ask a Quileute! The address of the Quileute tribal council is I can tell you this much: He says, Kwop kilawtley.”
New Moon DVD utseende
Såhär kommer antagligen New Moon utseendet på filmens framsida att se ut.. men det är inte 100% säkert!
Trading cards
Nya trading cards från New Moon har kommit ut!
And Edward Cullen is so hoooot :D
Promo bild på Emmett
Är inte Emmett/Kellan het? :D
Still pic - Victoria
Det har kommit ut en ny still pic på Victoria från en borttagen scen i New Moon!
Kolla hennes hår bara, fast lite fejkrött är det väl för så rött är det ju inte i Twilight? :P
New Moon fortsätter att göra succé!
New Moon fortsätter att göra succé och nu har den redan dragit in 470 miljoner dollar!
Unbelievable.. :D
Misstag i New Moon
Alla gör sina fel, även Chris Weitz har gjort misstag i New Moon!
Här kommer en lista med lite misstag, någon som lade märke till misstagen när ni kolla på den?
Jag visste inte ens att det var några fel och lade inte märke till iaf. ;)
Continuity: After Bella awakes from the first nightmare, we see her Romeo and Juliet book on the pillow beside her. When Charlie brings in her presents the book is gone, but then reappears on the pillow between shots.
Continuity: Bella goes to Italy to save Edward. Alice drops Bella off – when Bella gets out of the car to ask where Edward will be, first you see Bella in front of the car door, then she is suddenly behind the car door.
Visible crew/equipment: In the montage scenes where we see Bella’s depression, when the camera is circling her, the camera man is shown in the mirror (twice) behind her.
Continuity: When Edward takes Bella to the forest to tell her he is leaving, Bella’s hair hangs down her back. But in a following shot most of it is tucked up in the hood of her coat.
Continuity: When Alice jumps over the staircase in school to wish Bella happy birthday, between shots during the scene the positioning of the decorated scarf around her neck varies.
Continuity: When Bella pulls up at the Black’s, she spots Jacob, gets out of her truck and her door doesn’t fully close . Later you can see in the background that the door is firmly shut.
Revealing: The rims of the vampires contacts can be spotted occasionally during the film, especially the Volturi’s during the ending scenes, e.g. Jane’s in the elevator.
Continuity: When Alice is driving Bella to the Volturi, she is wearing a headscarf and sunglasses. During the scene the way the headscarf is tied changes; the size and shape of the knot (and the colours on the knot) are different.
Continuity: When Mike and Jacob are standing outside the cinema waiting for Bella, between shots the Burger King takeaway bag sitting on the trashcan next to them changes position.
Factual error: When Bella is flying to Italy they show a Virgin America airplane. Virgin America only flies within certain cities in the US. Virgin Atlantic flies from the US to Europe.
Continuity: When Jacob first shows off his tattoo, it is up at the top of his shoulder. Then when he is in the forest at the end with Bella and Edward, his tattoo is about 2 inches further down his arm.
Factual error: In the main title when the giant new moon appears on the screen the shadow fades over the moon from right to left when it should actually fade from left to right. The moon travels around the earth clockwise. The waning moon should turn to a new moon, not the waxing which is shown.
Visible crew/equipment: In the very last scene, right before the ultimatum, if you look into the tail lights on Edward’s car you can see various members of the crew reflected.
Continuity: When Bella is at the cafeteria table with Mike and he is asking her to the movies her hair keeps moving from behind her ear to hanging, and back again.
Continuity: When Edward and Bella turn around to leave the Volturi Chamber, Edward’s robe is tied. When they show them leaving from the back it is undone.
Massor med snygga New Moon prylar har kommit ut på Discshop!
Och jag ska köpa ett laptop sticker som man klistrar på locket av sin laptop! :D
Men har lite beslutångest, så vilken/t sticker ska jag välja? Hjälp mig!
Föressten så har jag beställt New Moon DVD:n som kommer komma till min postlåda när den kommer ut! :D
New Moon deleted scenes!
Chris Weitz har avslöjat att det kommer vara hela 20 minuter Deleted scenes på New Moon DVD:n.
Är det inte underbart? :D
Här kommer några scener som kommer vara med.
En scen med Rachelle LeFevre som Victoria där hon kör till Forks i en bil, där hon äter på en död människa. Det var en av de sista stunderna som Rachelle filmade som den elaka vampyren.
En scen där människor karaktärerna äter Burger King.
En annan scen med människorna, den här gången med Justin Chong aka Eric och Michael Welch aka Mike där de uttrycker sin avundsjuka om Edward's bil.
Mer scener med the Volturi i Italien.
En förlängd version av en scen med Mike Newton citerar Shakespeare till Bella på Forks High parkeringen; och i scenen gör han en Marlon Brando improvisering.
Scener där det inkluderar den pågående uppbrottet mellan Mike och Jessica.
Nya HQ varg bilder!
Här får ni se 4 helt nya vargbilder i HQ!
På bilderna ser man verkligen hur gigantiskt stora dom faktiskt är mot Bella och Laurent!
Och så datagjorda..... ;)
New Moon ligger topp 1 på bio!
Där ser man, men inte konstigt att världens bästa film ligger topp 1! :)