Julia Jones talks about Eclipse

2009-12-26 @ 20:35:34

Just like the guy wolves and the vampires, Julia had some tough physical scenes while filming Eclipse. As she filmed her scenes of becoming a werewolf she described jumping up and landing on a mattress for the action. “I realized after 18 takes that I was landing on the ground and I had dirt on my chin. I couldn’t lift my arms for four days!”

Julia, who is currently starring in the Los Angeles play Palestine, New Mexico, told RadarOnline.com’s Alexis Tereszcuk about what the cast ate at craft services and what they did during their down time while filming Eclipse. “We ate a lot of chocolate, anything round that was throwable.” Julia said that Taylor Lautner has the best aim out of the bunch and “it got very competitive, how many grapes or chocolates could you get in someone’s mouth.”

Julia also described that she thinks the theme of Eclipse is immortality. “New Moon is about heartbreak. Eclipse is about immortality.”

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